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Author: Rhiannon D'Averc

Backdrop Options Explained

Shooting a portrait on location means you work with what you have. But when you’re in the studio, you actually have the chance to control the space. What kind of backdrops can you use? What’s on the market right now, and what tends to work best? We’re going to break down the options you could go for, so you can make an informed decision about what you need in your studio kit. Plain Walls The simplest backdrop, and the easiest to supply, is the plain and simple walls of the studio. Most studio spaces are painted white – not...

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Dealing With Common Photoshoot Problems

There are plenty of problems that might crop up during a photoshoot. The first time it happens to you, you probably won’t know what to do or how to fix it. But don’t panic – with this guide, you will have some of the answers at hand, ready for when you need them.

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How to Put Portrait Subjects at Ease

When taking portraits, it’s important that you try to get the best possible results both from your camera and from your subject. Some photographers have excelled in getting uncomfortable shots of rage, anxiety, or hatred, usually when working with well-known subjects. These are an anomaly, however, and most photographers will want their subjects to look relaxed and happy – at their best. Here’s a quick guide to making that happen.

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Finding Models to Build Your Portrait Portfolio

When you first start out building a portfolio, it can be hard to kick things off. How can you convince a model to do a photo shoot with you, if you don’t have any proof of experience at all? It’s a bit of a Catch-22, but you can break out of it. Just follow these steps to get your portfolio off the ground with a ready supply of models. Start With What You Know The first place to start taking portraits is with people you know. This can feel a bit awkward, especially when you aren’t very experienced yet....

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How to Scout Locations Before a Portrait Shoot

When you are planning a portrait shoot, your location can make a lot of difference. It can be a mere backdrop, something that serves as a place to meet and take photographs but nothing else; or it can almost become another character in the scene. Scouting locations is very important, and if you do it correctly, the results can be very impressive indeed. Here’s how to get started.

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